About Me
Just a regular guy who got bored one weekend and suddenly decided to ride alone with his scooter with no plans or destination. It's been 2 years and now a hobbyist photographer, travel with me as we explore places, food and people. No planned destination and no boundaries!
         kikongkolokoy ® 
EPISODE 1:  The Ride
Now before anything else let me introduce my partner-in-crime which I also consider as my 2nd wife... my scooter!
Name :    HAGI-Beast

Model :   KYMCO Like 

Displacement : 125 cc 

Fuel Capacity :  8 Liters

This has been my companion on the road in the last 3 years. Running milage at this time is 87,990 kms (in just 3 yrs!) I use it everyday as my mode of transportation going to work and vice versa. I spend about a total of 100 kms going back and forth. Well it's gone through a lot. Has replaced my back tire 4 times already and one replacement on the front tire. And so far in the last 3 yrs with HAGI-Beast, thank GOD...zero accident!
I used to ride a Honda Scoopy 110cc but when I saw this Kymco Like, I fell in love with it that I decided to sell my Scoopy right away.  Now, lately I've been pondering on getting a Yamaha NMAX 155. I've realized that HAGI-Beast can't be there with me forever on the road. I'm planning to just use him for daily errands. HAGI-Beast has saved me from a lot of close calls in the last 3 years and will not definitely get rid of him. He holds a special spot in the old man's heart. 
Alright..so join me on my next weekend ride as I take you to places that I'm pretty sure you haven't been to or you probably haven't heard of ...only here!
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But before I see yah all next week please check out one of my riding buddies, "Batang Kalye",  in his Youtube Motovlogs....see yah!
